Doodump 1

I’m thinking of starting a series (will be under the category “doodump” or something), where I dump some doods(doodles) every once in a while. These were made using Bamboo Paper(by Wacom) and the touch screen and stylus with my new … Continue reading Doodump 1

Why I love Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse

Not sure what the real title is and this is not the kind of place where we search up things before we write or post about them. I’ve watched Spiderverse 3 times now, and I’ve definitely seen some clips near 10 times now. The visuals really threw me, and made me remember how passionate I was about making cool and interesting art and media. The message really resonates with me as well, so it’s especially significant, because the message and the medium that the message is conveyed through work together in significant ways for me. What I got from the … Continue reading Why I love Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse